Assistance: Where To Go For Help
BDSM Resources and Information
Beyond Fifty Shades of Grey
Commentary About Fifty Shades of Grey
Dating Sites
Finding Kink Events
Negotiation Checklists
Nonfiction Books
On Male Privilege
Protecting Your Privacy
Writer/Reader Resources Links
BDSM Resources and Information
Beyond Fifty Shades of Grey
Commentary About Fifty Shades of Grey
Dating Sites
Finding Kink Events
Negotiation Checklists
Nonfiction Books
On Male Privilege
Protecting Your Privacy
Writer/Reader Resources Links
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists
Search for an AASECT Certified sexuality educator, sexuality counselor, or sex therapist in your area.
Kink Aware Professionals
Referrals to psychotherapeutic, medical, legal and other professionals who are knowledgeable about, and sensitive to, diverse expressions of sexuality.
Domestic Violence Project
National and international network developed by the National Leather Association -- International to provide information, appropriate referrals, resources, and safe shelters for those who have been subjected to abusive and violent BDSM relationships
BDSM: Safer Kinky Sex
practical guidelines on prevention of hepatitis, MRSA, HIV, and other STIs within BDSM play
Social Media for Kinksters (Warning: site repeatedly hacked, do not post any identifying photos/information)
Fifty Shades Of Legal Liability -- Legal Risks Of Kinky Sex
The characters in Fifty Shades of Grey may be fictional, but the legal risks of kinky sex are not.
Fifty Shades of What? The Medical Science of Kink
recent medical research papers have identified benefits in people who engage in alternative sexual behaviors
The Old Guard: Classical Leather Culture Revisited
Old Guard -- aka Gay Men's Leather Culture -- is usually talked about by people who weren’t part of it
Old Guard vs. Reality
It's time we stop, once and for all, the ridiculous notion that we should be patterning our identities, relationships and social interactions based on the Old Guard myth
Beyond 50 Shades of Grey
Information on a wealth of BDSM-themed literature and media: from sensual romances to gritty thrillers; from spell-binding fantasy to darkly passionate suspense and horror; from dramatic historical adventures to edgy erotica -- and more.
Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance & Submission
by Gloria G. Brame, William D. Brame, and Jon Jacob
EFF's Top 12 Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy
The advice is still good, but many of the specific recommendations are out of date. Substitute "Firefox" for references to Netscape and avoid using Java, I.E., and Chrome entirely.